What is precious to you? I think of sweet little children, close relationships, special memories... not timber. Planks of wood? But to a builder on the dry savannahs, timber is not only scarce - it is an expensive luxury. You don't use it for framing or walls. Not for floors or fences, either. You save it for the places of necessity, like rafters and ridgepoles. And then you count the cost to import it.
Here is the precious supply of lumber that is now available for completing the house construction at the Bible Center:
Brother Lawrence writes: The gracious God has been so good to us as
to provide us with timber, a very expensive item in this semi arid area
of Makindu. Glory to the great Almighty God. His mercies endure for ever
and ever.
Here is the view of the house ready for roofing.
As the funds for cement got depleted, we had to use soil instead of the
cement. It works as good for our area. Praise the Lord.
The barbed wire (in the picture below) is ready to be used for tying some of the timber on the roof to secure it against the strong winds of the area.
The 4x2 planks of timber are now laid on one side of the roof. Praise the Lord.
What are we taking for granted in our lives? When we start to see our resources, our time, our opportunities... yes, even our interruptions and trials, as valuable investments then we begin to see the bigger picture. Timber is precious for the work of God here in Makindu. What is precious for His work in our lives? May we value what God is doing and invest in that!
Isn't it wonderful how God can give us joy in the most unexpected places? Actually, I'm learning that we should expect to see the wonderful in all God does and so praise Him in each need and trouble we face. By doing that, we will receive the joy He has laid up for us. It's there. But don't wait to see it to believe that trusting God is the happiest way to live. Here is brother Lawrence's testimony to that fact:
to the Almighty God who knows all the reasons for every thing. Little
did I dream of a blessing arising from the illness of my dear wife, but
it looks like all is a wonderful blessing after all the pains. Praise
the Lord. I am attaching a photograph showing
her leaping and praising the Lord on Sunday in the meeting we held. God is
great and blesses in all ways. The meeting was a great blessing to me.
Trust the Lord will bring out other blessings as He plans. May His will
be done.