It is when we hold on to God and rejoice that He is seeing, He is caring, that we will see the way opened step by step. Faith isn't something that comes from evidence. It comes from a relationship - from knowing God. And, as we live to know Him, God's love and mercy can be seen in every detail...
There is glory in piles of sand

And stacks of bricks

And in working together that more may come and experience the mercy and grace of God.

Lawrence writes: The walls of the building are now going up at long last. Praise the Lord. God is so good. We have been praying for a residential building for a long time. But now, the Lord is making the dream come true. Glory to His name!!

As excited children, do we jump through the maze of God's promises and rejoice in their fulfillment - by faith?

The future of this work is in God's hands. They are good hands. Two and a half years ago this work was still a dream in the heart of His people. Surely God sees and He cares about this little congregation of believers in a barren land. Praise Him!

And, for those that have been caring about their desperate need of rain, brother Lawrence wrote today:
Thank you very much for prayers, Dear Ones. We have had two nights of heavy rains--yesterday night and the day before. It is a wonderful blessing from the Lord. We need prayers that the rains continue long enough for a good crop this season.
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