Jesus says a lot about doing. To come and hear (or read) may take some time. But to set ourselves to put the words of life into action takes more. More than just diligence or desire, though both those are needed. But without love and humility we will get off track and lose out on the relationship. After all, we are called to be "workers together with Him." There are plenty out doing things in Jesus' name. How many of them does Jesus acknowledge as His workers? (Matthew 7:21-23)
I'm musing on God's way of getting things done. The establishing of the Bible Center in Makindu, for example, has had many stops and starts in the past two years. A lot of time and money... and time and money... and to our way of thinking, it just isn't very efficient and inspiring. But that's not the whole picture.
The building project is just the tip of the iceberg of what God is doing, because He is investing in the unseen things, which are eternal. Patience. Faith. Love. Can we measure all that's been accomplished through these many months? Can we count the souls and the spiritual riches invested in?
Here is the second drainage pit, lined with stones just in time so that the spring rains didn't erode the walls. Praise the Lord for the grace to plod and get one more necessity taken care of! The outhouses will be built above them as soon as metal concrete-reinforcing bars become available, so more waiting is needed here... Share Online
Meanwhile, there is plenty to keep busy with. The dirt taken from the pits is being hauled in these wagons to neutralize soil in the garden, so tomatoes can be grown. Free Online Database
There is no waste in God's time schedule. When we are willing to do His bidding, that is. This week brother Lawrence has been called back to the coast to be a support to those in Malindi. To encourage and pray and "be about the Father's business."
There are a lot of hidden aspects in serving the Lord. Little places to fill. Little jobs that need doing. Am I available and ready to do what God wants done, right now?
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