Friday, February 17, 2012

Better than the hospital

Praise report from Makindu:

God is good and always faithful. A baby was dumped on an old widow here and her mother ran away. This happened very recently. The mother happened to be a granddaughter of the widow and so the widow naturally took charge of the child. But this great grandchild was sick and malnourished. The widow brought her to the service and asked for prayers and anointing on behalf of the child. But the faith of the widow did not take over and she took the child to the hospital, for the wounds to be attended. But at the hospital, the doctors refused to treat the child and expelled the old widow from the hospital. She came back to prayer meeting and requested prayer for the child again. She had nowhere else to turn but to God this time. Praise the Dear Lord. Within a few days the child was healed of her wounds (it looked like boils, combined with worms and malnutrition, to us). The next Sunday service was a day of joy in the congregation for such a wonderful deed from the Lord.

Then soon after that, another lady was ill. She had been healed directly by the Lord on another occasion before. But this time she chose to go to the hospital. At the hospital, they charged her so much that she was unable to pay. So she came to our house and asked for prayer. At first, we did not feel like the Lord would heal her since she had chosen the doctors initially,* but after her persistence and weeping, we knew she had repented and the Lord would have mercy on her. So we prayed and anointed her. She left and later testified that she was healed instantly (she had been bleeding profusely). It is really wonderful to see how the Lord blesses and encourages.

"It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." Psalm 118:8

*It is the desire of the Lord to heal all of those that come to Him in faith, but He also sees the motives of our hearts and may withhold mercy if we are asking selfishly, and not humbling our hearts before Him. Consider James 4:3. Other Scriptures on healing from God: Malachi 4:2, Matthew 8:16-17, Mark 6:12-13 & James 5:14

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