A picture is worth more than words sometimes. And here is one that illustrates both the value of physical food in the drought-ridden Savannah and the spiritual burden of the Makindu ministry as a whole.
Here are some of the recent labors at Mbisu Mibu (bee-soo bee-oo), where physical and spiritual food were dipped out to the hungry:

Let not a grain be lost - each one is needed to fill a hungry stomach.

Let not the Word be left unread - each holds the enduring truth of life.

Let not a soul be left untaught - each one is precious to the Father's loving heart.

Let not the seeking be despised - each has been offered an audience with the King.

Let not a joyful note be quenched - each reflects but a glimmer of His due praise.

Let not strangers (girls in uniform) be turned away - perhaps there is one "whose heart the Lord has touched."

Let not our wealth stifle our gratitude - here rice and green peas are received with gladness!

Let us not grow weary in well doing - these sisters (Lawrence's wife, Joyce, and Philip's wife, Naomi) have prospered the work of God by their faithful efforts.
Are we valuing "the day of small things" as earnestly?

Precious, hungry souls.
Let us not miss the opportunity - we don't know when it will pass.
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