Though the rains were heavy enough to collapse a meeting house roof, they were a much-sought-for answer to prayer. In this land of continual struggle to survive, water is truly the source of life. Please remember them in prayer as they continue to tend their crops and trust God to supply their daily needs.
I am reminded of Ezekiel's vision (chapter 47) that describes the river that flows from the sanctuary, bringing life wherever it goes. We are told that the banks are lined with trees that produce a continual supply of fruit. Such bounty is enjoyed in the Mt. Kenya district which the minister visited recently:



Mango, Avacado, Macadamia nut trees

and Passion fruit flourishes. The possibility of having such abundance for the picking seems ideal, but it is sobering to note that it hasn't produce spirituality in the soul. Instead of the fruit of godliness and faith and love, spiritual corruption and mere profession abound in the Mt. Kenya region. How many forfeit spiritual life for the comforts of earthly wealth and prestige!
Beginning last Friday, an extended meeting began in Makindu with many traveling to attend. Let us remember this effort to offer truth to the spiritually thirsty, as the Lord lays it on our hearts. Brother Lawrence writes: "Opposition in various ways is very high, but we know the Lord never lost a battle. All is for our good. Praise the Dear Lord !!"
The potential for a fruitful harvest is possible because of the Water of Life, which is not limited by the barren circumstances. It is Jesus that makes all the difference, for He came that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10)
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