The couple on the right with their children were glad to host the gospel minister, and the meeting was held in the "house of prayer" shown below.

The people of the Kalembe settlement have built temporary houses on the edge of the game reserve because they have nowhere else to live.

Their income comes from selling firewood, which they collect from the surrounding countryside.

Despite their poverty and the risk of meeting up with the wild animals that roam this territory, these people have put their trust in God. Let us be praying for them.
Meanwhile, the work on the center is progressing as rapidly as time and resources will permit. The drainage pit is nearing its 20 foot limit, as the diggers are chipping at rock now:

They are planning to line it with cement walls to keep the sides from caving in during the heavy rains.
The building itself is looking more substantial now. Here we can see the cooperation and labor needed to construct the cement-and-wire beams that are being placed on the wall pillars:

"One, two, three, lift!" The wooden form for the cement beam (locally called a "ringto") is hoisted into place.

Mixing the concrete. The water has to be hauled from a distance.

"A real busy time competing to get the roof on before the rains. Please pray for us."

Here the "ringto bars" are put in alignment over the pillars.

Ready for the cement...

More willing workers.

Alvin is exhausted, but hopeful that they will be ready for the roofing soon. The roofing materials are expensive (nearly 4 thousand in US dollars), but the Lord is not limited.
Yes, the needs are abounding, and many demand time and strength and resources we don't have. In the face of such overwhelming odds, let us lift our eyes above it all to the One who supplies our help. In the words of Psalm 121 we can say boldly "the LORD is my keeper" and rely on resources and power that are unlimited. What a privelege to live in the care of the invincible God!
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