Our most recent update from brother Lawrence shares this practical aspect of ministry, as he has been laboring to find self-supporting opportunities for the congregation at Malindi:
The fish business has been blessed of the Lord and we are trusting Him for the desperately needed deep freezer(s) and a pick-up van for transportation. Once we have these, more profits will be released. Please, pray for these needs. Apart from the marketing of the things we do to keep the family fed, the fish business is the only business venture we have tried that has been much more greatly blessed of the Lord. It combines with church planting in a new area, as we wait for the fishermen to deliver the catch. And it does not deter us from ministering, for which we are so grateful to God. It is wonderful to witness to a community that is not polluted with erroneous religions, and which is so receptive of the word of God. Thank you, dear ones, for help and for prayers.
We are praying that God allows this to raise enough funds for the ministry at Malindi, and also for the rest of the work which has so many needs. The Makindu Center is not generating any income (until, perhaps when we transform it into an education center - but for now I an not led in that direction, as it slows down spiritual work as it demands more from us). It is in an area that is very poor and has few opportunities for people to make a living, except in the market and small water resource area. But Makindu is a rich "spiritual catchment" center of the Savanna areas of Kenya. People come here for Bible studies with us, and this is very good and encouraging.
At this time, Makindu has entered into a painful season of famine for food. It will last till the next rains (October to December) if God blesses us with enough rains. But we have learned that famine and other hard things bring some people closer to God where His word is mostly ignored.

(This photo reveals the upcoming August drought conditions - current photos are still unavailable due to the lack of a camera at this time.)
Let us continue to uphold these labors in prayer and seek the Lord to be diligent in the work He gives us to do!