The roof trusses are now in place, but there continues to be delay for lack of some needed supplies. Please support this effort in prayer. The rains began on Friday, so another roofless meeting might have a rather different effect this weekend. Brother Lawrence asks prayer that they would not get wet in services.

So often we don't appreciate blessings until we are in need of them. We don't recognize the benefits of good health and plenty until we are afflicted or in want. And we don't realize how much we need a shadow until we sit in the baking sun.
After several months of preparation, the congregation in Makindu is looking forward to having a roof over their heads. Brother Lawrence reports, "As this, hopefully, is our last day in the hot Savannah sun, we are all so grateful to the Lord."
The children were the first to gather for the meeting yesterday.
A little shade is better than none...
...and in the Lord there is always reason to rejoice.
Several of the sisters had special songs to share.
Lord willing, the roof will be completed this week. "Timber for roofing this house has now arrived," Lawrence reports. "Praise the Lord."
"The trusses being made. Glory to God for all His goodness. This day has been awaited for so long. Thank you, Lord..."
"A few of the congregation were available to help in the work," Lawrence reports. "but it goes on with the two expert carpenters available."

Here are the bricks ready to add to the gable side of the roof.

"The view of the building from a distance. The drainage now needs urgent attention and is our next target," he says.

Praise the Lord that He knows what we need, and how to supply it in Himself. He is certainly "a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat..." (Isaiah 25:4)