The gospel meeting at Makindu this week was held in a rented hall, with daily services Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
People traveled from as far as Meru, near Mount Kenya (here brother Edward leads the service)
and the coastal city of Mombassa (a new young couple, Winnie and Melvin).
Some were curious, some hungry.
By God's blessing, there was food to nourish the body...
and Bread of Life to feed the soul. Here brother Lawrence translates for brother Mark. He reports, "He has been so blessed of the Lord that he preached for two days walking about in the rostrum and even jumping in praise to God. Thank you for prayers."
The ministers' wives, Joyce and Elois, served together in the kitchen.
Others shared the blessings of salvation through song.
The youth and their teacher were especially blessed to participate in the meetings.
James (center) has asked that a meeting be held at his congregation at Kawala, on Saturday. On Sunday the doors have been opened to go out to Anastasia's (in green) congregation at Kibwezi.
It is a joy and privilege to be one of those who have tasted of the living water and eaten from the tree of life. But it is even more wonderful to be able to share such blessings with the needy in the world around us.
"And the Spirit and the Bride say 'Come!' And let the one who hears say, 'Come!' And let anyone who is thirsty come. And let whosoever will take of the water of life freely." Revelation 22:17
And "let the little children come, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
It is a great privilege to know the love of God shed abroad in our hearts. Certainly it is a treasure too good to keep to ourselves, and we can say with Paul "the love of Christ contraineth us." It calls us to consider the needy, to extend our energies to distant lands and cultures, to rejoice with others who "know the joyful sound" and pray for those who are distressed and afflicted.
We thank the Lord for the report from Makindu this week. When the announcement was given for the upcoming meeting, there was "a great stir among the youth," brother Lawrence says. "They wanted to come together to learn songs to use in the meeting. They came in, and for a week they had been in prayers and preparation for the meeting."
Though the building is still unfinished, it gives opportunity for classes to be held. This young sister has consecrated to help teach the youth.
Here an older sister (already a great-grandmother) gives instruction to the class. Brother Lawrence was encouraged to see his youngest son, Mike (seated in white), participate as well. For the last few months he has been seeking God and now testifies of the Lord's salvation. Certainly, "we love Him because He first loved us." Praise Him!
From experienced teachers to enthusiastic youth, seasoned believers to babes in Christ, this week's camp meeting has been much anticipated and planned for. Thank the Lord that He is able to meet the needs of the human heart and shed abroad His love in every soul that will yield to Him!
Sunday's message was given by the visiting minister from America, Mark Spinks, on God's perfect creation and the fall of man. Here the ministers and their wives pray with those that have come forward to seek God. Please pray for the Word of God to have free course in the meetings, and that the Holy Spirit will empower and illumine human hearts.
The desire is to hold meetings all this week, as God provides. Please pray for this field of labor. We are trusting the Lord to multiply the limited resources to meet the need!
The multitudes were hungry. They had come long distances and the wilderness didn't offer much to live on, but they had pressed out to hear Jesus. Now it was getting late and there was nothing to eat. Nothing? Well, only a little boy's lunch. Not enough for a hungry man. Certainly nothing to meet the need of the masses. But the Master said, "Bring it to me." And He gave thanks for the little that was placed in His hand, because He knew what He could do with it.
Today, as two dear children of God in America board their plane for Kenya, the image is the same. The need for these meetings in Makindu is too great for any person or group of people to ever reach. But we serve a great and mighty God. His power is not limited by famine or drought. His love is not stopped by culture or nationality. His Spirit is able to reach the deepest and most complex needs of society - and to divide between the thoughts and intents of every soul. How precious to put our little in His hands and sit down in expectation of what He can do!