It is a question worth digging into. Like in many other problems of life, the answers are buried for us to search out.
Take a look at the situation in Makindu for instance. As I marvel at the flourishing landscape, so transformed by the recent rains, it is hard to image that the famine conditions are becoming more severe.

"This is an expansive plain with an underground river that is used for animals in the dry weather," Lawrence explains. "Cows, goats and sheep graze here freely, with each person caring for his own. There is plenty of fodder coming up in the rainy weather. See how green the shrubs have become already? If the rains continue the bushes will grow higher and become more succulent."

Grazing livestock on green pastures. Is there anything more beautiful or inspiring? This picture of abundance, like so much that is good in life, isn't mere chance. It is made possible by the unseen millions of rootlets that have thrust deep into the soil to drink. What difference would the rain make if there were no roots to claim it? It is also the result of investment and sacrifice. Please pray for the families in this area that are seeking the Lord for the means to become more self-supporting.

Here are the new maize crops after the first weeks of rain. But now the land is drying up again. The precious seed was planted and the water brought it to life, but unless it roots deep what hope does it have? Like the seed sown in the rocky ground, will it be scorched in the Kenya heat and wither away for lack of being established? "Please, pray that God returns the rains back and gives us enough. Otherwise the famine in the area will be long and painful."

I can't but think human souls are in the same condition. Unless we take hold of the water of life that God has sent our way, and root down deep, today's successes don't have much meaning. We may endure for awhile, but in time of trouble and persecution because of truth we will become offended and wither away. (Matthew 13:21) It is easy to grow when the "going is good," but the farmer knows his crop isn't established until it can stand in the heat and hold up in the wind. Now is the time to root down, so let us be praying both for ourselves and the many seekers out there.
Consider the Lord's intentions: "For as the rain comes down... and waters the earth, and makes it to bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater: so shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth... it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." (Isaiah 55:10-11) Do we believe that Word and let it bring life eternal to us? Here is the secret of flourishing, for what we receive at the root-level will be produced in our lives.