Grace Mbungi is in her second year of high school and has been recently saved. She is one of Tabitha's granddaughters and was home from school the last time Brother Lawrence visited for a Bible study. The school had expelled her because she couldn't meet the payments. Her desire is to study at the new Bible Center in between her acedemic studies, but she is hindered by her desparate need of money for school fees and other expenses. Like any other young person, Grace wants her life to be useful. After her own studies are complete, she hopes is to train other orphans in skills that will help them be self-supporting.

Here is the kitchen (brick building) and storeroom (thatched hut) of Alice Kimanga, a 67-year-old widow that lost her husband many years ago.

When her daughter-in-law died, and her son disappeared and never returned, Alice was left to raise her two grandchildren, Duncan and Dorcas. Their house was built by supporters, and the ministry has been supplying food and helping with school needs. At this time they have only have one pair of good clothes, which the children save for attending the worship services and other occasions.

Duncan Kimanga Mutisya is 9 years old, and shows great interest and intelligence in the children's services that he attends.

His sister, Dorcas Nzilani Mutisya, is five. She suffers from the loss of her mother and doesn't remember her father. "Dorcas is a little behind," Lawrence reports, "but the Dear Lord is able to lift."

This is Wambua Moyanga, age 13. He and his brother, Alex (next photo), lost their mother six years ago. Their father married again, but is gone most of the time looking for jobs to support his family. "The boys are attending services with us," Lawrence says. "We have been feeding and buying them clothes, as well as meeting their school needs since early this year."

Alex, age 11, has been eager to serve God, and recently witnessed to his father. He even has been helping with the construction of the first building in the center, which has required a lot of time and hard labor recently. Since they have not been able to afford to hire workers, the stone and water hauling, digging and foundation work have been all carried on by the ministry and volunteer helpers like Alex.
Weak, base, despised, yes. But such "God hath chosen" to further His work, His way. (1 Cor. 1:27-31) Do we dare despise these "small things" when God is the Champion of such? It serves us well to remember that He has called the poor of this world "Blessed... for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." It is here He delights to show His power and love. Do you know that privileged place in your life?
As the dear brother wrote just today:
Greetings in the name of the Almighty, who is sure to care for all His business. I was praying this morning and the Lord led me to Math. 2:11 "And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh". After reading the verse I was amazed at the great love and care that God lavishes on His own. He will certainly supply all that is needed to accomplish His errand--strength, wisdom, patience, and material. Thank you very much for prayers.
What a blessing to be an heirs together with Jesus, children of the heavenly King!